A detailed guide to the northern section of the Kruger National Park. The app covers the area from Letaba, north, up to and including Punda Maria and Pafuri.
Information includes:
Meaning of place names;
Easy tree identification;
Geology of points of interest;
History relating to points of interest;
GPS Co-ordinates;
Tourist information
Rich Content:
Over 120 high definition photos of the Park
Descriptions of 108 points of interest
99 photos of common birds found in the Park
50 photos and interesting facts of the common animals found in the Park
35 detailed maps
Index of English, German, Afrikaans and Latin names of Animals, Birds and Trees
108 points of interest narrated by professional voice-over artist
Audio can be paused or switched off
Two “scrollable” pages highlighting 12 major categories
Each category has further “scrollable” pages with alphabetical index
Search facility for all content in app
Interactive table for counting animals seen on each day in the Park plus totals
Bird species checklist